As a T.O.S.A., I met with a team of three to create branding and training developing the STEAM+ program. Also created the logo

Launch of the STEAM+ Program

Students attended a weekly lunch club to work on yearbook. Parents volunteered the entire year to facilitate the yearbook project (PTA function). I created, edited and project managed the yearbook production since 2006.

Created an online website for students easy access to activities and links.

Three nights from 5-7:30pm over 100 students joined me at the Apple Store for an exciting technology learning event.

Organized an after school field trip for all (100) 6th Graders to attend iFly. They learned about the physics of flight. See the link for the email invite.

30 students participated in designing a 3D street chalk festival in Little Italy. This 3 day event in October was a community art event. We practiced at school during my recess art club. We did this two years.

The Festa Theme this year was 100 year celebration of Balboa park. Students created this 3D chalk art. They practiced at school during my lunch club.

During Hawks on Air Film Club students met and were assigned reporting teams. Students created school news and upcoming events in an entertaining film format.